Giullari e Jokermen (2016/10/13)

Posted in General by midbar on 13/10/2016 22:04

Jokerman [Bob Dylan] Ho visto un re [Dario Fo]

Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune,
Bird fly high by the light of the moon,
Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman.

You’re a man of the mountains, you can walk on the clouds,
Manipulator of crowds, you’re a dream twister.
You’re going to Sodom and Gomorrah
But what do you care? Ain’t nobody there would want to marry your sister.
Friend to the martyr, a friend to the woman of shame,
You look into the fiery furnace, see the rich man without any name.

E sempre allegri bisogna stare
che il nostro piangere fa male al re
fa male al ricco e al cardinale
diventan tristi se noi piangiam

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